Thursday 22 October 2015

Miniature X-Wing

Having miniatures to look at, helps find all the smaller, finer details.

From the side view here, I noticed that the X-Wing has little rivets down the fuselage, something I may have missed before.  The details such as the square holes in the underside of the wings were too hard to read on the schematics I was using.  Seeing this model with the holes makes it that much easier to work out what they are.

The back view I can see the details on the rear of the X-Wing, making them much easier to create. I think the best way to make these would be to create the primitive shapes separately and then using boolean > union to make them a part of the main body.

The top view shows all the detail in between the engines on the wings much clearer to see.  Again I would create these shapes using primitives, and joining them to the main body through boolean > union.

One thing I have noticed on the front view are the little braces (I think they are) on the front of the wings' engines.  They all tilt towards the ship, so when making one I would need to rotate it and then when using the mirror tool, they should all match up and be tilted towards the main body.

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