Wednesday 21 October 2015

X-Wing Progress

Here is my X-Wing in it's current state.  All of the basic shapes have been created, now things need refining and neatening up.  The wings need a lot of attention, but I thought I would mirror them and get them all in so I can see how far I am getting with the model.  Doing that has helped visualised the end result.

The front view; you can see that the fuselage needs some refining to the shape, this can be done by selecting the edges and bringing them in, using the reference image behind as a guide.  Incidentally, there are a lot of unnamed objects in the object list, if this isn't fixed soon, I'll lose what objects are what.


  1. How did you find working with the schematics, was it hard to make everything line up?

    1. In the end, I used the same schematics. but I just tried to keep the model 'true' on the one view, I believe it was the side view I kept it all to. Otherwise I was always fighting to try and keep them even, or messing around with the shape and scale of the schematics.
