Thursday 15 October 2015

Mood Board

If my initial idea can go ahead, I want to look into G-LOC, when a pilot falls unconscious due the G-force exerted upon them, leading to grey outs and loss of consciousness.

Following on from the loss of consciousness, I would like to them portray from a POV of the pilot as he/she regains consciousness, before the visuals are stabilised.  The way the colours are looking smudged across the viewers lens is something I would like to recreate.

This picture of Elite: Dangerous shows that space doesn't have to be pitch black, the use of colour to represent space dust would make space intriguing and interesting to look at.  Also this is a chance to have different colours reflecting off of the ship's metallic surfaces.

I want a metallic colour for the spaceships, but nothing too shiny, a dark strong metal colour to look heavy, and tough, so that it looks like it could withstand a blast from a laser.

Again, this another picture where the colours really jump out and make the whole composition more intriguing and interesting to look at.  Also the use of colour, blacks, purples, into orange, golds, and yellows.  The yellow and purple sit opposite each other on the colour wheel, so using them together makes them stand out from one another, and add a nice contrast.  For example using a gold palette for a sun, and then a deep purple for the space, would make the sun glow against the purples.  And when the colours blend, they make a myriad of colours in between, as opposed to using black for space, as all that would happen is that the golds would get darker until black.

Here, is a still of a centrifuge, demonstrates the use of motion I want to incorporate into my animation, of having the pilot spinning out of control in the ship.  This picture has strong blur, due to the colossal speeds of the centrifuge, which would make the motions of an out of control ship look smoother and more realistic.

The inside of the TIE cockpit, with the pilot surrounded in a claustrophobic sphere.  The blacks and the reds really stand out from one another.  With an actor and props I would like to recreate a similar looking helmet/suit to then composite them in the cockpit.


[Time Tolerance Curve] n.d. [image online] Available at: <> [Accessed on 20 October 2015]

[Blurred Vision] n.d. [image online] Available at: <> [Accessed on 21 October 2015]

[Elite: Dangerous] n.d. [image online] Available at: <> [Accessed on 21 October 2015]

[Metal Metallica Reflective] n.d. [image online] Availabe at: <> [Accessed on 21 October 2015]

[From Here to Eternia] 2011 [image online] Available at: <> [Accessed on 22 October 2015]

Crisman, C. 2014. [image online] Available at: <> [Accessed on 22 October 2015]

[Review_ImperialTIEFighter_still02] n.d. [image online] Available at:  <> [Accessed on 22 October 2015]

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