Wednesday 14 October 2015

The TIE Intercepetor

I have been creating my TIE Interceptor, and the majority of things have been going well...

Using primitive shapes to create all the base shapes, and then extruding various polygons, connecting edges, and so on to create more complex shapes.

(TIE Interceptor 4 view layout)
A problem I have run into when creating is that I can only find 2 views for the schematics, front, and side.  If I had the top view as well some of the parts would have been so much easier, such as the hatch on top, or lining up details on the sides of the wings.

But only using 2 has worked well enough for me to be able to create what I have made thus far.

Something else that has been difficult is creating the wings, as they are at an angle that using the primitives was proving very testing.  For the screenshot on the right, I used the line shape, made it rectangular and then extruded the polygons to give it thickness.  Now the trouble is the odd shape at the tip, which will need closing.

To the left is the shapes expanded showing the groups and to the right is the groups collapsed.  Prior to grouping all the different objects, they were descending alphabetically, so objects that may be together on the model were either end of the list, which makes things very confusing.  Naming and grouping has helped so much when looking for the various shapes, otherwise it would have been a case of clicking on objects and seeing what lights up, which is a massive waste of time, and if this were a real world project, it would be a waste of money.

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