Saturday 10 October 2015

Low Poly House

For an exercise to get started with 3DS MAX we have to make a low poly house following instructions.

We started with just a cube and had to keep extruding new parts of the polygons to add more sections.  Doing it this way it keeps everything as just one shape, as opposed to have a list of different boxes, or other shapes.  As you can see to the right there is just the one box in the scene.

A great technique shown in the instructions was the connect tool.  Having the object as an editable poly and the selecting the edges you want to connect, simply click connect, and another edge is placed perpendicular to the original edges

Using the connect tool it made it incredibly easy to create the windows, as the edges above the windows were selected, and then connected, once the dialogue box had opens I specified 2 edges and changed the amount of pinch, and their location on the original edges.

I could then extrude them into the cube and again using the connect tool I could create the parts of the frame.

To create the lip on the roof, I used the bevel tool, this helped as I didn't need to make an separate object as the roof with a larger area.  I extruded slightly, within the bevel tool, and bevelled outwards, you can also bevel inwards to create a smaller surface if you wish.

Using all of these techniques, to create the house was a real help and great way to be introduced to program, as by using these it gives a basic understanding of how to use the dialogue boxes.  Many of the operations in 3DS MAX use the dialogue boxes, now I know how they work, I can begin to experiment with other tools.

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