Tuesday 27 October 2015

TIE Cockpit

For my 3rd model I have decided to create an interior of a TIE Interceptor cockpit.

Through my research I have not found many views of the TIE interior.  After discussing with my lecturer, it has been decided that I can create my own interpretation of what a TIE interior may look like.

I have found this screenshot, which I presume is from an old game cutscene, that only shows a limited perspective of the cockpit.  I can take some information from this, but only to a slight degree.

Where as this GIF shows quite a lot more detail of the cockpit, the different screens flashing up, and as it pans slightly to the left, it shows more depth.  This give me a good basis to begin my model and try to replicate and adapt the cockpit to my own design.


[cockpit tie fighter pilot] n.d. [online] Available at: <http://www.miscellaneoushi.com/Clothes/tie/cockpit_tie_fighter_pilot_1920x1440_wallpaper_22622/download_1080x960> [Accessed 27 October 2015]

[Cockpit View from a TIE Fighter] n.d. [online] Available at: <https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/44/83/ea/4483ea50d2aa34b3bacb78d1dfaff185.gif> [Accessed on 27 October 2015]

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