Monday 23 November 2015

Animation Test

I made a quick animation test to try using an image sequence and edited using After Effects.  Here is the result:

And here are the things I changed:

There is the image sequence, a star background, and 3 adjustment layers.

The Tie image sequence has no effects upon it.

The starfield has a Gaussian blur so that it doesn't look too busy, and not distract the viewer.

The first adjustment layer handles the brightness and contrast, to bring the colours out.

The second has another Gaussian blur, and mask, to give an impression of the heat from the engine.  And also to hide the sharp edges of the engine glow.

The final adjustment layer holds the lens flare, just a little bit of extra detail I wanted to try.

As this is the first time I have used After Effects in years, it all came back very quickly, and I'm happy with the quick test.

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