Monday 23 November 2015

Camera Work Ideas

An idea I have had since starting the project is to use a point of view shot from the cockpit of the TIE Interceptor, I just hope I can make sure it doesn't look flat, otherwise it'll spoil the immersion for the audience.

I need to make sure that when doing an over the shoulder shot of the TIE Interceptor from behind, and the same to the X-Wing except from the front, not to break the 180 degree rule, as this can be very jarring for the audience as it may appear the TIE and X-Wing have changed directions.

With a wide shot, it would be hard to make sure that the space behind the TIE and the X-Wing doesn't looks flat, I thin I could overcome this if I were to have some other objects there, such as a planet, or some asteroids.

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