Wednesday 25 November 2015

Spline Paths

To animate objects moving in 3d space so that when I take them into After Effects, I would render them moving so that they don't appear flat.

I have an animation of the TIE Interceptor chasing the X-Wing:

There is a pink line coming from both the TIE Interceptor, and the X-Wing, which the both travel along, respectively.

To do this, I created a spline and then constrained each object to their respective path.

The picture above shows, the red circle on the left is the TIE Interceptor's spline path.  When the TIE Interceptor is selected on the motion tab (4th tab) and that the TIE is constrained to the spline.  When the timeline is moved further along you can see that the TIE has moved further down the spline.  The same is true for the X-Wing (on it's own spline).

Here is an animated GIF of the TOP view of the 2 chasing each other.

This shows from another angle how the 2 will move.

Berzina. M, 2015. How to Export an Animated GIF using Adobe Photoshop and After Effects (Part 3). [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 06 December 2015]

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