Saturday 7 November 2015

Poly Count

I thought that now I've finished 2 models, I would look into their polygon count to see if they are very high, or not.
The TIE Interceptor's poly count is 10,181.  According to jsprogg [Simply Maya, 2008] that games, in 2008, would average between 7k and 12k poly count.  Mine is roughly in between those, plus being 7 years the technology we are using has leapt ahead by quite a lot.  I think if I were to use this model in a game, I would be ok.

The X-Wing's poly count is 5,623, which is considerably lower than the TIE Interceptor, I think a lot of this is due to the sphere making up the TIE's cockpit adding a lot of polygons.

Finally, the cockpit's poly count is 19,365.  The highest of the lot!  I believe this to be due to the amount of different objects used in the scene.  The chair has quite a few on it alone.  Then the console has many extruded, beveled, and inset faces this will also attribute to the high poly count.

Even if the cockpit has the highest poly count of the three, I don't feel any of my models exceeded an extortionate amount.  The console could have been made so that I didn't have so many polygons, it would be interesting to see whether in time I could recreate the console to dry and drop the number of polygons used.


jsprogg, 2008. Polygon count whats high /Whats low? []


  1. These look fantastic, Really interesting facts about the polys. Are you planning on creating damage to your models in the animation?

    1. Due to the nature of the animation, I would assume so, yes. It would be nice say, if one of the ships were shot on the wing, to have the debris come off, rather than just change to the damaged model.
      Can it be animated in a dynamic way? Rather than just change the models?
