Saturday, 12 December 2015

3ds Max SkyBox

I have created a geosphere with a texture of space, made the material force 2-sided render, so that if inside the object the texture shows up.  Other wise it will just be black.

Below is the work space.  The perspective camera showing how it looks inside the geosphere.  The light create is an omni light, with it's decay type set as inverse square, this because it mirrors a realistic representation of the why the natural world's light acts.

Here is the final outcome of the texture being added to the geosphere.  The starts show up, but everything looks a bit flat without another object in the scene...

The stars are quite hard to make out, but they are there, the lights needs more strength to it.  Having the TIE there helps show a bit of depth to the scene now

The project window shows the stars better, but at a lower quality (helps working in the program stay smooth by rendering a draft quality texture).


Autodesk Knowledge Network, 2014. INTENSITY/COLOR/ATTENUATION ROLLOUT (STANDARD LIGHTS). [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 5 December 2015]

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