Sunday 6 December 2015

Explosion Test

A quick explosion animation!

This was a quick process using 2 objects and a link, done.

The 2 objects in the scene are, the sphere, and the meshbomb.  Found in Create>SpaceWarps>Geometric/Deformable - Bomb.  I had to link the two together, but not with the normal link tool, instead I had to use the 'Bind to Space Warp' tool.  As soon as I had done that, the timeline contained the animation.

It was a really simple technique and will come in very handy for my final animation, when I need to blow up the X-Wing.

It is worth noting, that wherever the bomb is in relation to your object, the forces are based on physics so that it has a realistic motion, so if I were to put the bomb inside the sphere it would explode outwards, as such:

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