Sunday 6 December 2015

Work Flow

The way I have been working might not be the same as other people's on the course.

What I have been doing is:

- Model work in 3ds Max
      - Render animation as an image sequence/still
              - Render animation as an image sequence/still with ambient occlusion (if necessary)
 - Import image sequence/still into After Effects
       - Edit compositions
               - Export from After Effects
 - Import in all After Effects exports to Premiere Pro to collate for final animation
       - Export final animation

A quick point on the exporting process, when I'm exporting from After Effects, I am using the Quicktime so that I can use the animation codec, as I am working with image sequences and images. It will help keep the quality up.  When I come to export the final animation from Premiere I will export a .AVI which we have to provide, and a Quicktime .MOV so that I can upload one to Youtube.

The only thing I think might degrade quality is changing from the .MOV codec to .AVI when exporting from Premiere.  I think (hope) it will negligible.

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